Historic Anaheim Promenade gets a Facelift!

     Today was the day for the Anaheim Flea Market in Historic Anaheim on the Promenade. I marked it into my phone calendar 3 weeks ago and have been waiting patiently ever since.  I have never been to this flea and thus I went with camera in hand to take pretty pictures of all of the lovely things for sale there. 

     NOT! I showed up and it wasn't there! What? Did I have the day wrong? The time? Usually this only happens with my kids and parties they are invited to. You know...wrong day, wrong time..."come back tomorrow" (weird look and shake of their head). 

     But no, they had simply moved the date because the Promenade is being revamped into a cool shopping district. So I decided to take pictures anyway and this is what I got.

118 degrees Cafe.

This is the other side of the building across from the one below with the "Good Food" sign.
I'm assuming a new restaurant.

They had these benches everywhere made to look like an "A" at the end. So very unique!

I think these are apartments. It looks like they had a wedding reception in the courtyard the night before. I love the rows of white lights.

Fountain in the Plaza Courtyard.
Home Economics, this looks like a cool store. It seems they are already open down the street with a smaller shop but the newer, larger space is still being revamped and is not yet open. They seem to have a lot of handmade items from local crafters and artisans. 

I love this name. The Good, Californian Haberdashery. I wonder what it will contain?
Same store. The Good, Dry Goods & General Store. What might it be?
This is right next door. What a fabulous idea a Barber and Bar all in one! The Barbeer. I know my hubs will want to try this out. Inside it looks old fashioned and simple, just the way I like it. I love the color combo of Hunter Green and Gold Lettering.

Again, the same shop. Barbeer Shop, Cut & Beer. This is the logo in the front window.
This is next door to the above two shops. Heart & Sole, A Good Company. How smart is the logo? A heart and two shoes crossed over one another. Love the blue and gold signage. 

     Street corner of S. Lemon and Center St. Promenade. I love the antique light post and the contrast between the blue and white street signs. And don't forget those beautiful California Palm Trees in the background.

      I wonder if these lamps are antique? I just had to include a picture of them against the backdrop of that beautiful blue California sky.

     I hope you enjoy these pics. I can't wait for these new shops to open! Oh yeah and The Anaheim Flea Market has been postponed until September 23rd. I will be back for that too. 

Be Blessed...


  1. Hi Lisa!!

    Thank you so much for stopping by Center Street on Sunday! We were just as dismayed at the cancellation of the flea market as you were!

    Please feel free to check out all of our new shops (HOME ECO:NOMICS, THE GOOD, and Heart & Sole on Facebook! We are open Monday-Saturday 11am-6:30pm.

    Thanks for taking some snap shots of our lovely street and we can't wait for everything to be up and moving!

  2. Thank you for your comments. I can't wait for those shops to open. They look like so much fun! is there a grand opening planned?


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