Curbside Find: Stainless Steel Table : Part 1

I've decided on a weekly post that will be appropriately named Curbside Find. Especially since I am the queen of curbside finds in my neighborhood. My husband and my children are not especially proud of this little quirk of mine. But they do know that at any given time while driving around my tires may come to a screeching halt if some treasure happens to come into view on the edge of the curb in the distance.

Last week while on a date no less with my hubs we happened to come across a silvery glow at the side of the curb along with a pile of old mattresses. Now I'm not that bad as to get some old dusty mattresses but any sort of table or chair is usually going to end up in the back of the Burb no matter how old or dusty.

Alas we came across a stainless steel commercial kitchen table that prolly long ago looked something like this....

Now it doesn't look so pretty and shiny. But it does have some wonderful rust on the bottom shelf and I think it adds to the charm of it. Of course you may think what will I do with it? Well....I have a few ideas....

Check back tomorrow for Curbside Find Make-over Part II!

Be Blessed,


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