Milk Glass Mania
If you've checked out The Brick Basement lately then you know that we love Milk Glass! It's everywhere in the store. I seem to have a large collection of it. For some strange reason I'm drawn to it - maybe it's the color white or like with all things vintage or antique I just think it's so cool. I mean it's lived through a lot of history!

A little background on my beloved milk glass from a cool website called

"Milk glass became popular during the end of the 19th century in France. Often considered a product of the ‘fin de siecle’, the milk glass goes hand in hand with French cultural awareness and symbolists that paved the way for modernism and expressionism.

During the early 20th century, also known as the American Gilded Age, milk glass was synonymous with the cultural prosperity of the wealthy American culture. Milk glass made in the Gilded Age still remains some of the best ever made. It is known for the delicacy and elegance and were often seen on dressers and shelf tops in upper-class American homes.

However, during the 1930’s, milk glass made during the Depression was considered less elegant and delicate and more a production of the harsh times. Because of this, milk glass made during the 1930’s and 1940’s is often considered of lesser quality."

What about you? Do you ♥ Milk Glass too?


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